Kelloo - all the features
The whole nine yards - every feature in Kelloo
Here, you can find an exhaustive list of everything Kelloo can do.
Project and work planning
Work and project planner
Schedule people with ease on the planner. Plan tasks, projects, work, milestones and more.
Utilization heatmap
Color coded resource heat map shows which resources are over utilized and which are under allocated.
Flexible planning options
Plan in points, fte, days or hours.
Drag and drop to schedule
Drag and drop scheduling helps you build plans quickly.
Resource and team planning
Team planner
Plan and schedule all your teams and resources in one place.
Balance workload
Drag and drop to balance workload across teams and people.
Build roadmaps
Share your vision on the roadmap and keep your team in the loop.
Releases and milestones
Build high level milestone and release plans.
Resource capacity planning
Build resource forecasts
Forecast the demand on your resources and understand skills gaps.
Model resource capacity changes
See how your schedules will look if you increase or decrease headcount.
Compare demand vs capacity
Compare the demands on your resources to the capacity of your resources.
Scenario planning
Use scenario planning to understand how changes to resources and projects will impact things.
Workload and utilization
Utilization heatmap
Color coded heatmap helps you spot over allocated teams.
Workload and utilization reports
Build reports to analyze your team and resource workload.
What if scenario planning
Build scenarios
Build scenarios to compare different plan and resource options.
What if analysis
Make changes to projects and resources and see the impact on your schedules.
Intake, scoring and prioritization
Capture project requests
All your requested work in one place. Score and prioritize your projects, ideas and initiatives.
Manage pipeline and approved projects
Build a portfolio plan of approved and pipeline projects so you get complete visibility of resource status.
Check capability before you approve new projects
Check if you have the resource capacity to take on new work before you approve it.
Product and portfolio roadmaps and milestones
Share your vision and communicate your plans using roadmaps and milestones.
Reporting and analytics
Report builder
Build and export reports and analytics.
Report templates
Save and share report templates.
Agile resource planning
Sprint planning
Organize your resource plan into sprints.
Product backlog
Use the product backlog to manage and prioritize your work and features requests.
Product roadmaps
Use roadmaps to align your agile plans with organizational milestones.
Agile capacity planning
Plan your agile work within the capacity of your teams.
Resource pool
Centralized resource pool
Create an inventory of your resources and skills.
Resource working patterns
Manage time off and working time exceptions.
Utilization reporting
Use the heat-map to report utilization at resource and role level.
Easy resource set up
Set up your resources with the minimum of data to get started quickly.
Everything else
Help desk and support
Help desk and knowledge base means you have answers at your fingertips.
Backups and infrastructure
We run Kelloo on Azure which is the Microsoft cloud platform which means your data is backed up and safe.
Free training
Free training videos help you get started with Kelloo.
Use the Kelloo API to integrate Kelloo with any service or software you like. You can also use the API to get data out of Kelloo for custom reporting in your existing BI tools.