Free resource utilization report template

Free resource utilization report template spreadsheet

Are you looking for a free resource utilization report template?

Use our downloadable resource utilization report template available as an Excel spreadsheet or Google Sheets to kick start your utilization reporting.

We also look at some other options for resource utilization reporting if spreadsheets are not up to the job.

Table of contents

What is a resource utilization report?

Resource utilization is a handy resource management metric that shows how much of your available resources time you are currently using. A resource utilization report is simply a visual representation of your resource utilization.

Resource utilization reports normally report utilization at three levels:

  • Billable utilization is the percentage of a person’s time that is spent on billable activities.
  • Non-billable utilization – is the percentage of a person’s time that is spent on non-billable activities such as training, administrative work etc.
  • Total utilization is the person’s overall utilization percentage taking into account billable and non-billable activities.

Free resource utilization report template features

Here are some of the main features of our template resource utilization report.

  • Report on billable and non-billable utilization.
  • Overall utilization reported for each resource.
  • Color-coded utilization reporting.
  • Availability summary across all your teams.
Download free resource utilization report template

Resource utilization spreadsheet template Excel: Free download

Follow the link below to download the template in Excel format.

Download Excel: free resource utilization report template

Resource utilization spreadsheet template Google Sheets: Free download

Follow the link below to download the template as a Google Sheet.

Download Google Sheets: free resource utilization report template

Kelloo's resource management tools

Resource planning, forecasting and reporting in one place. We help you get the most from your projects and people.

Creating a resource utilization report in Kelloo

With the resource utilization reports in Kelloo, you always have up-to-date utilization data at your fingertips. You don’t have to spend time collating data and formatting it into spreadsheet format.

Kelloo includes standard resource utilization reports that you can use straight away or you can customize the reports to your needs. Reports can be shared as templates so everyone can be kept in the loop.

report builder

The Kelloo heatmap is another option for resource utilization reporting. The advantage of a heatmap is that it can be quickly reviewed and any teams or resources that are overloaded or underworked can be rapidly identified and work re-balanced.

Resource utilization - heatmap

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