Kelloo: what it does and how it works

Kelloo is software that helps you plan and coordinate your work, teams and people.

Who uses Kelloo? IT firms, software developers, consulting, engineering, product development, marketing, PMO teams and product teams – the list is endless. Organizations big and small across every industry imaginable. 

All your work in one place

Kelloo gives you a big picture view of your teams, resources and work. You get up to date information on workloads, availability and utilization so that nothing falls through the cracks.

Resource planning software

Roadmaps help share your vision

Get everyone on the same page with easy to build roadmaps. Roadmaps aid communication, decision making and prioritization. Add milestones to your roadmap to show key events.


Plan your future resource needs

Check you have the right mix of skills to deliver your projects and initiatives and understand when you need to hire more people.

Resource management utilization

Agile and non agile in the same platform

However you work – plan sprints, projects, products and initiatives all in one place.

Sprint and release planning

Spot resource utilization issues and bottlenecks

Spot bottlenecks and resource constraints before they happen and test out solutions.

Allocations and utilization

Build resource forecasts

Analyze and forecast the resources you need so you can spot bumps in the road early.

resource capacity plan

Project intake, scoring and prioritization

Capture all your projects, initiatives and ideas in one place then score, rank and prioritize.

project scorecard

What if analysis and simulations

Model changes to projects and resources and see the impact in real time.

What if scenario analysis - extend or compress a project

Reports, analytics and dashboards

Kelloo’s reports will do all the heavy lifting for you from day one. Easily customizable so you have the analysis you need.

Resource management reporting

Evaluate different scenarios

Use scenarios to evaluate the impact of different resource and project options.

select a scenario for what if scenario analysis

Tools for product and project teams

Project & work planning

Plan and schedule anything.

Resource & team planning

Assign the best team for the job.


Share and communicate your vision.

Resource capacity planning

Check you have enough people with the right skills.

Workload & utilization

See which teams are overworked or available.

Prioritize & scoring

Select the right projects and work to do.

Reporting & analytics

Build and share analytics and reports.

What if scenario planning

Compare planning and resource alternatives.


Connect Kelloo to your apps and software.

Try Kelloo with your team

30 day free trial with all features included

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